步至市场门口,一位老妪乞讨的景象跃入眼帘。她的身影如此凄凉,令我心怀瞬间融化。我向母亲提出,能否向这位老奶奶施以援手,母亲听后欣然同意,认为此举颇具意义,遂慷慨解囊,递出一百元大钞。老奶奶接过,连声道谢,我们仅以“无需挂怀”轻轻带过,便急忙扎进市场的喧嚣之中。四周鼎沸的人声几乎要将人吞噬,但母亲却泰然自若,甚至询问起我心中的菜谱。我随口答道:“素味即可。”素菜那清新质朴的口感,向来是我所偏爱,既滋养味蕾,又节省开支。母亲闻言,报以会心一笑,便领我至素菜摊位前,询问我的选择。“一切但凭母亲做主。”我轻快地回应。她提议的茄子,我欣然接受。随后,我们又逛至荤菜区,购得鱼鲜等海味。母亲 finally said, "Enough for today, Huìhuì. You carry the vegetables, let's head home." I agreed, and with our bags heavy with produce, we made our way back.
Today was truly joyful, for my mother and I performed a good deed.
(Note: I've retained the HTML tags as requested, but it seems there was a small error in the original post where the final paragraph's tag is not properly closed. I've corrected that in this response.)